Détails du ticket de support

Détails du ticket de support

  1. MikeydDonateur Premium
    Catégorie : Wine Cellar 3DPriorité : NormalStatut : OpenType : Public
    lundi 29 mars 2021 à 19:31Grid view columns

    In the grid view there are columns I would like to delete. How can I do that?

    In a drop down menu there is a selection, customize columns. When I select that option a box comes up but I can't do anything. Could you describe the function of this?

    Is it possible to send a graphic as it was in the previous support forum?

    Thanks for your help,

  2. AlexandreAdministrateur, Support
    mardi 20 avril 2021 à 11:13


    You must stay pressed on a column title and drag it out side of the program orput it in the widows "customize collumns".
    you can put them again by drop them from same window.
    by this way you can move collumn in group title or change position in grid.

    Hope it help you.

    For graphic you can host it on onedrive or others and past link here

    Sorry for the late answer.
    Regards, Alexandre.